Add collaborators who do not have an Asana account (yet)

Hi there,
this must have been asked before I guess, but I haven’t the answer yet.

One of our use cases for Asana, is to manage support tickets. All tickets are coming from colleagues within our organisation, ie same email domain.

Can I add a collaborator without them having to go through a sign-up procedure, or be added to a team.

I want to find the simplest way (for them) to be kept informed of comments on the task.


People need to sign-up. Three-dots can allow you to share a web version of a project with a need for sign-up.

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Thanks. I will have a look a tree dots.
Presumably people can sign up without being part of a team, and follow the task.

Yes I think that is the definition of guest on a task.

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Thanks indeed - much appreciated.