Add to Dashboard - removed from 3 dots in sidebar and top menu!

Add to Dashboard - removed from 3 dots in sidebar
has this extremely useful function been removed?


Anyone know???

I am really annoyed about this. Why would they remove that feature. They seem to like to make changes at Asana for things that aren’t broken.


i agree - this along with not being able to search archived posts, may push me off this platform. Certainly stop paying for it!

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Seeing these types of issues come up it feels like the actual developers don’t use Asana. Wouldn’t it make sense to talk and work with the people using it. I don’t mean after the fact in a forum after people are frustrated already.

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Hey everyone,

I’m used to pressing the ‘add to dashboard’ or ‘remove from dashboard’ button on the ‘progress’ tab of my different tasks. This button has suddenly vanished.
