Adding members beyond limit

Is it possible to add members beyond the 15 allotted with premium accounts?

Hi @Brenton_Joo!

Are you referring to inviting more folks to your Asana when you’re already on a Premium plan or if you’ve reached your freemium Asana limit of 15 members?

If you’re already on a premium plan, the system will allow you to invite more members to collaborate. Once your active membership total exceeds your premium plan size, you will have around a week to upgrade or the system will upgrade to the appropriate size plan for you and your Team.

On the other had, if you are currently on the freemium plan, the system will not allow you to invite more into your Asana unless you upgrade to premium.

If the system isn’t allowing you to invite folks to your Asana, then chances are it’s time to upgrade!

For instructions on to upgrade, click the following link to our guide

Hope this helps!

Let me know if you have any questions :slight_smile:

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