Administrators and Moderators

Hi All Ricardo from the Netherlands here. We are using Asana just a couple of weeks now. We looking for a nice workflow and i was wondering if it is possible to make Several Moderators under the Administrator so we can split the workload of making new projects and other things.

Sorry if this thread is in the wrong subtopic or double posted

Hi Ricardo,

Welcome to Asana! We’ll be happy to help.

To clarify, Asana does not use moderators (though we do have moderators in the Community Forum). All team members have the ability to create projects in Asana. So, if you’d like to split the workload of creating projects, you can feel free to do so! (Only limited access members will have limited ability to create projects.)

For more information I recommend that you visit the Asana Guide:

Feel free to reach out if you have more questions!


Hi @Alexis ,
I am trying to work towards getting my team on Asana to work at one space. Naturally, at first we want to try the free version of Asana. One of the big issues seem to be not having a chance to selectively add members to projects (as is the case of the Premium plan) to group certain team members into certain projects. Also restriction of acces for project members on editing and/or tasks/cards seems to be an issue for them. For this reason, they tend to lean more towards using Trello (as it offers these functionalities in the free plan), even if I love using Asana myself for personal task management. Is there a chance that selective membership in different projects will be available in the Free version of Asana also? This would definitely persuade them to go for Asana, which I would very much like and want haha.

Kind regards.