API Call -- Get all tasks with a specific custom field or tag

is there a way to get all tasks with a specific custom field ?

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An advanced search should do the trick, @Samuel! See instructions here:

Hey, if you are asking about API the answer is probably no. You cannot query tasks by custom field as far as I know.

Sorry, I was not specific enough. YES I need an API call for all tasks with a specific custom field. If this isn’t possible, how can I call for all tasks with a specific tag and due date ?

Hey @Samuel,

As @Diakoptis mentioned, it’s not possible to get all tasks with a specific custom field value with a single call. You would need to make a few requests and do some client side filtering to make this work. You can, however, get all tasks with a specific tag. The request would be:

GET /tags/<tag-id>/tasks

For your reference, here are the docs for getting tasks by tag.

Hope that helps.


There should be an API update that allows us to get all tasks that have a given custom field value.