Asana::Errors::ServerError when creating a new webhook for a particular project

Hi there,

When creating a new webhook for a particular project, the following error keeps occurring:

Asana::Errors::ServerError (There has been an error on Asana’s end. Use this unique phrase to identify the problem when contacting support: “24 bashful marmots knit fiercely”)

I am using your API in the Ruby on Rails application using “gem asana”. It works fine with the other project IDs, but not with the project ID.

Would you advise me if you could think of anything that may cause this from your side, please?



Hey @Kei178,

The error that we see on our side for that phrase is “Max consumers limit hit for cursor”, which is what is returned when you’ve oversubscribed to that project. In other words, that project has more than the internal limit of webhooks per resource. The current limit, if you’re interested, is 1000, so this is quite a few webhooks.

Is it possible that there are crufty webhooks attached to this project that you can get rid of? You can query the webhooks per resource with resource=project_id to see how many of them there are for that project.

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Thank you for your explanation.

It could be because we have been resetting the webhooks of our projects many times in a day since it seems like the webhooks sometimes stop providing payloads to our server for some reason as time goes by.

We will try to reduce the number of API calls, looking at the current status with the “webhooks per resource”.

Thank you for your help, again.


Hi @Matt_Bramlage,

Following your advice, I tried to look at the number of webhooks for the project_id, but I could not
receive such information from the API server.

My request was:[project_id]&workspace=[workspcase_id]

The response was:
“data”: ,
“next_page”: null

I also tried with another project_id in order to make sure if my request was not a problem, and the response looked fine as follows:
“data”: [
“id”: webhook_id,
“target”: “”,
“active”: true,
“resource”: {
“id”: project_id,
“name”: “project_name”
“next_page”: null

Considering above, it seems like there are no webhooks set up for the project_id, but I still cannot create a new webhook for it as receiving the same error such as:

Asana::Errors::ServerError (There has been an error on Asana’s end. Use this unique phrase to identify the problem when contacting support: “4 yellow donkeys arrive tensely”)

Could you let me know if you could think of anything else that may cause this again, please?

Many thanks,
