Attach Files from NextCloud server

Hello Asana Team,
do you have plans to support uploading attachments in tasks from a NextCloud file server, in addition to Dropbox, Google Drive, Box and OneDrive?

Thank you in advance!


Hi @Konstantinos_Th,

We appreciate your interest! We aren’t able to speak to Asana’s product roadmap. However, I’ve added your suggestion to our product feedback category in the Community.’



I just found this suggestion and would love to see this kind of integration too. Are there any news regarding a connection between nextcloud and asana?

Hi Everybody,

Have someone have some news or update about this integration?



Is there any news?

Hi there… any news on this?

Hi Asana Developer and Responsible person,
why is it still impossible to attach a file from owncloud or nextcloud? Maybe because these are OpenSource solutions in contrast to Dropbox, Google or Onedrive? I really do not understand your decision to delay this important feature.


Hi, same here. Any Updates?
Why is this still not possible?

Four years later… not even a status update…?

I want this feature!

Still no status update wether an Asana Nextcloud integration is possible? or did i miss something?

Hello, long time no see. Would love this integration!

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Adding my voice to wanting a nextcloud integration with Asana