Automatically assign tasks to multiple projects

I’ve created 1 team containing 5 projects. 4 of the 5 projects correspond to sub-teams. I’d like the 5th project to contain all of the tasks from the other 4 so that we can easily do x-team collaboration, but stay out of each others’ way on a day-to-day basis. I know that I can simply assign each of the tasks in projects 1-4 to project 5 (I’ve done this), but I’d like for this to happen programmatically every time a task is created in projects 1-4. Has anyone figured out a way to do this?

I may have solved my own problem by just creating a custom report.

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You have multi-homing (a task inside several projects) but that is not automatic. Indeed custom report is the way to go :muscle:

Asana consultant, author and developer

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Marking this one resolved @Chris_Heiden, well played :raised_hands:t3:

Hi Chris, you mind sharing how you made the custom report?


It wasn’t the case when you posted this question in the forum, but now there is another way to accomplish this: via If-Then Rules. You can do it using Asana’s built-in rules if you have an Asana Business subscription level, or via Flowsana rules for free/Premium subscriptions. In either case you’d create a rule in projects 1-4 to add a task to project 5 when it gets added to the initial project.