Board: auto-complete across columns?

I cant seem to find an answer to if this is possible. I have board columns set up as issue : solution : testing each task has the same name but different tag color.
my question is, is there a way to if I complete a task in issue if I can set it up to auto-complete the same task in solution and testing?

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Hi @Russell_Price. At this time we do not offer an auto complete feature for boards or lists. However, thank you for the suggestion! We’ll take this feedback to our product team.

+1 here. I’d like to see stuff in ‘Done’ column auto-completed


Also looking for something like this in how I use Asana. Happy developing!

I’m also looking for something like this… Since we are a agile team

Hi @carddamom,

FYI this is easy to accomplish using my Flowsana integration - see:

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