Exporting timeline and list

Adding another upvote to this. We need the timeline exportable in any fashion. Ideally pdf but frankly I’ll take any method at this point as long as we get a quick solution please!


Please could you also make the List view of exactly how you’ve chosen your view to be, to be exportable into a csv.? At the moment, the csv export exports EVERYTHING - subtasks, completed tasks etc.

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Hi everyone, I’m delighted to share we’re introducing a new Shareable Timeline view; you can learn more about this new option here: New: Share projects with read-only links!

I think this will answer a lot of requests I’ve seen on this thread and will give even more visibility to the people you share Timeline with. The new shareable Timeline view is dynamic so everyone you share it with will be able to see the latest updates on the project and keep updated of what’s happening in the project, even if they don’t have an Asana account.

Viewers of the shareable Timeline view will be also able to see the project name, project owner, section headers, task names, assignees and due dates. They will also be able explore the Timeline view using scroll or zoom features.

I’m closing this thread out for now, but if the situation evolves over time and we decide to implement the option to export/print a Timeline, I will make sure to re-open and keep you posted here!