Feature request: hiding conversations rather than deleting them

I’d like conversations to be marked as “done” and hidden rather than deleted (cf. completed tasks).

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@mary-lou Thanks for the suggestion, we’re keeping it in mind.

Do you have a workaround for this now? It sounds like you’d benefit from creating a “Done” section in a List or a column in a Board, where you drag these tasks when they’re complete. In list view, if you move a task to Done and mark as complete, the task will be hidden from the list, but you could do an advanced search or change your list view to view the completed work. Alternatively, with Boards all completed tasks are still visible, just greyed out when they’re complete. I think a Board is a great option for you!

@mary-lou, your Conversation Posts should collapse when you create more than one, with a dialogue to view previous updates. Can you say more about whether we’re on the right track with which part of Asana you’re interested in, and why deleting works better?

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