Hide project name's tag


Recently, in My Task list (with sorting by project view mode), I see project name’s tag is included on each task which was hidden before. Not sure it was due to new Asana updates? Basically, I need to hide project tag as previously, so it will be more clear rather than showing duplicate project name on the list.

Here are some illustration from my current issue:

Project 1
- Task 1(Project 1, Tag 1, Tag 2, …)
- Task 2(Project 1, Tag 1, Tag 2, …)
Project 2
- Task 1(Project 2, Tag 1, Tag 2, …)
- Task 2(Project 2, Tag 1, Tag 2, …)

What I want to my list should be:

Project 1
- Task 1(Tag 1, Tag 2, …)
- Task 2(Tag 1, Tag 2, …)
Project 2
- Task 1(Tag 1, Tag 2, …)
- Task 2(Tag 1, Tag 2, …)

I have checked on my display setting, but no luck. Any suggestion? Thanks!


Hi there! The change in your my tasks project / tag view most likely has to do with tasks being added to multiple projects. If tasks are added to multiple projects you’ll see the additional project names appear next to tags (even when in the project sort view in My Tasks). At this time the project view will remain as you see it if you keep your My Tasks in project sort view. If you’re hoping things will be clearer in some way, you might consider a different sorting option or using sections in your My Tasks to keep things organized. :slight_smile:

Hello Alexis, thank you for your reply! But I’m sure that the tasks are not assigned to multiple projects, it happens on all My Task list, even when change to all available sorting options this is issue is still appearing. Not sure it started yesterday, 2 days ago was fine and organized well. Hope can back as previously.