How to add progress bars to Asana projects

This is a great tool!! I had been looking for a way to get a quick view into the progress of a project, particularly a long list project that has too many tasks to count! This helped to solve that issue for me! Also, thanks to Itai and Eyal for addressing a question that I had within 24 hours of me sending it! Amazing turnaround. Thanks again! Looking forward to using this tool to keep an eye on my projects!

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Thank you for your support @Emily_Powers!

Thanks @Emily_Powers, we’re trying to provide a swift response time for any issue.

As we’re in open beta stage, we’re happy to receive feedback from users, especially if it’s regarding possible small bugs or needed improvements.

A quick heads up to anyone already tracking “List view” projects
if you have sections in a project displaying as a list, you may eventually see some inconsistency with the total progress displayed on the bar and the actual one.
If that’s the case, Here’s why it happened and how you can fix it:

  1. List view project sections are also tasks. this means that we initially counted these as part of the total amount of tasks in the project

  2. After a few users brought this to our attention we made a small adjustment and excluded these kind of tasks from our calculations

  3. To fix this, you will need to untrack and re-track the project in subject. so to do just that, we have added a small menu on the right side of the bar with the option to “untrack” a project. once you untrack it, you can then re-track it to solve this issue.

Here’s a small picture of what that menu looks like for orientation. if you’re not seeing this menu please refresh Asana and the updated version should show.

Eyal @DoMetrix

Wow… Missed this in my hiatus from the Community… Can’t wait to use this.

Great work @Eyal_Ronel @Itai


Thanks @Jason_Woods let us know what you think and share if you have any feedback :slight_smile:

Really great feature. You need to seriously consider taking into account the sub tasks, that would then let DoMetrix be the perfect tracking system, and it’s fully integrated. Thx for your great work.


@Sebastien_Levesque Sub tasks are included :slight_smile:

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Thanks @Sebastien_Levesque as we’re already including sub-tasks, let us know if you have any other ideas for improvement.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Awesome! I did not notice at the first look :wink:

Following up with some feedback we got from our users - the extended loading indication issue was solved. (with help of @Sam_Leahey)

I really like this add-on! One suggestion that I would have is for projects where you do not want to track progress, it takes up a lot of real estate on the page to have the “Track Progress” bar there. Perhaps that could be collapsable?
This space :

Just a suggestion!


Great to see the refresh bug was fixed… thanks… following up with a suggestion on a separate reply.

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We are tracking different business entities (customers, vendors) using asana projects and this creates a high number of projects (200+) for our organization.

The ability to add projects to DoMetrix directly from asana makes it very convenient to add new projects to the DoMetrix dashboard where the add option will only display 100 projects… good job…

When adding a new project to DoMetrix from asana; the circling arrows will not go away until a manual browser refresh is performed… the green progress bar displays fine after the refresh.

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Thanks @Mario! I will look into these issues and update here soon!
The sync icon should disappear and the bar shows once the initial project sync completes. this can take a while in large projects.
I’ll see how we can improve the sync indication to include a little more info so the it reflects in the interface

Great idea @Annie
We’ll add that asap!

Eyal @DoMetrix


Hey @Mario,
Thanks for the heads up - we improved the tracking indication by adding 3 different texts showcasing the progress of the tracking process:


Finally downloaded the app and started tracking one project. I love the simple visual at the top and I like the simple stats if you want to know more. This has such great potential to grow.
It would be great, if the when you click on stats and see what is overdue, you can click on the number and it opens all the tasks overdue at once. (I know how to filter tasks in ASANA, but this would be a cool extra feature.
On another note, are the sections calculated as tasks, or is the percentage calculated without project sections?

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Thank you @Rashad_Issa! We will examine your suggestions as we move forward.
Good question - sections are excluded from the total progress :wink:


Fantastic! :wink: :wink: Thank you!