How to sync a task between workspaces

I consult for many clients and I like to use a workspace for each one of them. How can I sync tasks assigned to me into ONE project? This would be very helpful!

pls help



Hi @Alain_Iskandar! The easiest way to view all tasks assigned to you is to look in your My Tasks. If My Tasks doesn’t suit you for some reason, you could also save an advanced search for all tasks assigned to you. Lastly, it’s also possible to create a project for your work (ex. “Alain’s work tracking”) and add all tasks assigned to you to that project. Hope these ideas help you! Let us know if you have other questions.

Hi Alexis,

I have a similar problem regarding my consulting clients. The issue is that I have several “My tasks”, since I use multiple workspaces. Is there a way to have a unified “My tasks”?

Best regards

That’s not possible at the moment @Millor_Machado, but feel free to add your vote to this thread Viewing all assigned tasks across multiple workspaces. I would also recommend you to check out this third-party integration which allow you to manage your tasks from different spaces in one place: Taco + Asana integration: prioritize all your tasks • Asana
Hope this helps! :slight_smile:

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