I'm confused about Today view in My tasks

Hi Guys

Is it just me or is the Today view confusing? My today view in ‘my tasks’ does not show today items! And I also have tasks due today is my upcoming view???

@jeremystewart Have a read of this → How to Get Started With Asana My Tasks | Product Guide • Asana Product Guide
Hopefully should help.

@jeremystewart I think you’ll find this thread helpful, as well! Does your org have a default My Tasks setup in Asana

Thanks guys. I’ve been using Asana but never really use the my tasks view, until now :slight_smile:

After reading the guide it all makes sense now. I have been using the due date to mark the day I am going to DO the task, not when it is really due. That’s why I thought the today view would filter the tasks that are due today…

This all makes sense now, thanks for your help.

Also, as another way of getting focus. I use a custom search saved so that it shows me what is due in the next 24 hours. Remembering I use the due date to assign the day I will complete a task.

As far as project deadlines go, I will often add a task called ‘milestone’ and use the due date to show when it is due… Clear as mud :slight_smile:

@jeremystewart Hah! Clear as mud. I haven’t heard that one before.

I really like the advanced search you use! I hadn’t thought of that before. In fact, I think I definitely underutilize advanced search. There’s so much capability there and you’ve reminded me to tap into it.

In my opinion, making the most of My Tasks is all about customizing it to how your brain works, as I like to say. In other words, how you organize your thoughts. That’s something I’ve really come to like as I’ve used Asana more and more. It is nice to know I can collaborate with other people on loads of things and also stay grounded in My Tasks. Lol makes me feel like a pre teen with her own room and a statement sign on the door.

My Tasks aka

…I thought a Love Actually image would be appropriate with the holiday season coming up. Maybe my pumpkin spice coffee is getting to me. :tongue:

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