Is there a way to show the tasks chronologically?


Is there a way to show the tasks chronologically? Take a look at my capture.


I would like to see the tasks similar to this capture:

Yup! Just click the sorting menu at the top left of your screen and click sort by due date:


Is there any way to group the tasks by days. Can I use “sections” to create the days and make these section dynamic. I mean to create these sections (Today, Tomorrow, Monday, Tuesday) just one time. I would like to get something similar to this capture.04e38c9db343d6e746fe7948eed3c21d0caaf920_1_690x457

You can group tasks into “Today”, “Upcoming” (this week), and “Later” in Asana using the My Tasks priority sections. You can see more about the priority sections in Asana in this Guide article here.

The guide you posted didn’t help me. How do I create these sections?

And how do I create the days “Monday”, “Tuesday”, etc.?
Can I do this?
This should be a native on/off feature.