Merging workspaces

I accidentally created two work-spaces which I regret. Is there any way to merge them?


Can an issue in one project belonging to one work-space also belong to a project in another work-space?

One example of a use-case is personal weekly planning where tasks are pulled-in into a rolling-week Board Project with columns from Monday-Friday. This seems to be possible only per work-space.

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Hi @Michael_Ambrus.

While we can’t bridge work across workspaces or orgs, we can merge them! I think this Guide article should solve your problem :slight_smile:

Let us know if you have other questions.


Hi @Alexis,
I finally got time to try this out. Initially it seemed like the solution to my problem. But unfortunately it seems it’s limited and about merging accounts, not work-spaces? My issue is that I managed to create more than one work-space under the same account. I.e. I use the same e-mail to log-in to both. Can something similar be done for work-spaces?

While trying to figure this out, I noticed one great feature though: You actually can refer cross work-spaces. Just copy&paste the URL and it will be refereed, which is no surprise in itself, but the link will also be named with the actual name (prefixed with a little “tick-mark” which will make it visually stand out from other URL:s) of the entity the link points at (i.e. task-name, project-name etc). I haven’t tried this out excessively, among others I’m not sure what happens if the destination name changes, if it will propagate back to the links.

It’s a good workaround that will cover many cases, but one thing that it does not seem to cover - is having tasks belong to projects cross work-spaces.

I have worked around the limitation of cross work-space project task belongings by creating empty shadow tasks in the non-original work-space with only two pieces of information in them:

  • Something that marks it as a shadow (either a tag, or something in the name like {{shadow}})
  • The link-trick above

I would in my particular case however rather merge the work-spaces, as cross-referring like this for work-spaces that turns out to actually belong together is error-prone (human error) and cumbersome.

The only option I currently see is to re-create issues from one work-space into the another. This can be a huge effort if lots of information is already stored and it will halt projects during the conversion. Not to mention loss of time stamps and more human errors…

Perhaps there exists a backup-restore possibility? I.e. where backup could be done from one work-space but restore into another? I’ve found how to export but not how to import ;-(

Please advise if any (easy/supported) way of merging work-spaces exists.

Regards //Michael


Slightly off-topic side-step

(…as this is probably mostly used/useful intra work-space)

The linkage-by-URL trick mentioned above also relieves the need of having types of associations used by other tools.

Not categorising and leaving a reference “as is” I think is a good thing. A tool should not assume too much about associations like “needed-by”, “depends-on” e.t.c. (it easily gets very confusing except for the author). If categorisation is needed, the reference (i.e. the link) can be explained in text.

I hope this isn’t just a side-effect (nor too much old-news for the community :stuck_out_tongue: ) but works as intended :slight_smile:

Nice! Thanks for the info that you can cross-reference. Huge time saver! :slight_smile:

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@Michael_Ambrus thanks for checking in! I’ll go through a few points.

I noticed one great feature though: You actually can refer cross work-spaces. Just copy&paste the URL and it will be refereed, which is no surprise in itself, but the link will also be named with the actual name (prefixed with a little “tick-mark” which will make it visually stand out from other URL:s) of the entity the link points at (i.e. task-name, project-name etc). I haven’t tried this out excessively, among others I’m not sure what happens if the destination name changes, if it will propagate back to the links.

  • Great trick you discovered! I bet folks would love to hear about it in the Today I Learned thread. I encourage you to post about it there :slight_smile:
  • Looks like you’ve already seen the backup and recovery details in the Guide. Yes, our recovery setup is a precautionary measure against possible database failure. For a more customized experience for importing and so on I suggest you reach out to support or explore integrations. In general I say, when in doubt, consider an integration :slight_smile:
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