My Custom Template Updates - How to deal with this?


I am working on Templates to use for other people inside my organization.

Lets say a user creates a Project using my template. Then 2 months down the road I make changes to my template (add new tasks, subtasks, etc).

How will the user be able to get those updates 2 months later to the template they used?

Any feedback would be appreciated

Short answer - they won’t be able to get these updates. The changes will only take effect in new projects that use that template going forward.

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My only solution at this time would be to have him as a collaborator of the template so he is aware as changes happen.

Any other solutions?


Hi @pedro_prada, Michael from Asana here!

Great question!

Throughout the life of a template there will be lots of change in the content of this Project, which is meant to echo the needs of our business & personal use of them. As such, the core template used, which when copied, is where we make those changes for use in the future. This is the benefit of having a template that is flexible to change.

If you have already copied the Template project and require additional Tasks to be added within it, you must do so directly in the copy itself; not the original Template. Making a change in the original Template is how you ensure that those new Tasks/Subtasks are included in all future copies, not the ones already made.

Hopefully you wont need to do this retroactively too often. A not so savvy workaround for this would be to copy the relevant Tasks and add them to the already copied project for your colleague to complete. Depending on the privacy settings of the copy of your template, you may need to have them add you as a Project member for you to manually add the updated Tasks/Subtasks in question

Hope this helps!

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