Need board columns in My Tasks view with sort

We primarily use the Board view. Our currently assigned tasks are in our This Sprint column.

It would be a very helpful feature if we could see tasks assigned to us in the My Tasks view, sorted by our columns, this would make it much easier to find our own tasks on a project that are due for This Sprint (tasks in that column).


Board columns seem to be analogous to the way the category lines(?) (the lines you end with a colon that turn into headings on list view - don’t know technical name yet).

If you showed the board columns the same way you show the categories from list view in My Tasks - I think that would be great.


Absolutely this please! Too many tasks that aren’t relevant to me - but I still need the columns!


Totally agree! We also need the Board layout for my tasks. Any updates?

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This would save my life! I’ve just made a new project for each of the designers in my team, seems like such a waste! All I want is a board view option in ‘my tasks’ or indeed, for theirs.

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Same here! Creating sections ends up creating useless cards.

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Can’t believe there are boards for projects but not for tasks list.
This should be top UX feature! Implement it!