Option to hide weekends in timeline

Please, please, please integrate this feature! You are forcing me to pay for Instagantt just so I can skip/ignore weekends when I move a project timeline around. Why has it taken over a year?


This is a pretty standard feature in nearly every Gantt/timeline-based project management tool Iā€™ve worked with, so Iā€™m very surprised to see that itā€™s not available in Asana. Since the initial post was made 18 months ago and no one from the Asana team has responded, is it safe to assume that they donā€™t plan to make this improvement?


Clearly this is an important issue for many users, myself included and itā€™s troubling that there has been no response from Asana on this topic. My organization just recently began using the Asana platform but if this is typical of what we can expect then I will have to consider other options moving forward.

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I agree, this needs to be addressed ASAP and given as an option. please advise, Asana!

Yes, when projects have date schedules (5 days after, 10 days after, etc) like in every streamlined project this is a must! An IF/OR feature would be great to move dates to Friday OR Monday depending on what the user wants.

IF Saturday > Move to:
IF Sunday > Move to:

That could be a quick fix!

Please add this feature! It would make shifting dates much easier in Asana.

+1 For being able to set a work week. We are on a 4-day week and the timeline/workload features are not accurate for us for that reason.

Agreed 1000% The lack of this feature essentially makes me keep looking for a scheduling solution. Way too much work to manually fix, too error prone. Pass, sorry!

+1 for this feature. Managing project resourcing would be much easier and save hours of administration when projects are pushed out

This feature would be very very useful! It would improve a lot the tasks management in the calendar view.

This is absolutely essential in order to make the ā€œprevent dependency conflictsā€ usable as intended

Any news on this @Natalia?
Seems basic to allow Asana users to plan around weekends.

How is this not already implemented?

To clarify. Iā€™d say that 99% of businesses plan their projects around working weeks, not calendar weeks. The fact that this isnā€™t present in Asana really should make you question if Asana is serious about being a tool for workplaces.

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Not necessarily weekends but certain days. That way it could also work for companies that decide to work on Sat, or not work on Fri, or disable Holidays

Hi, @Natalia, are there any news on this issue? Looks like this problem is being ignored for more thatn a year now and it makes the Timeline view almost useless for serious projects.

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Indeed. Is there an update or ETA on this topic? It appears as one of the major threads and it is disappointing the lack of follow up

This is sad but hereā€™s my hackā€¦

On Windows 10, turn on NIGHT MODE. In Timeline, the shading for the weekends stands out ā€œgreaterā€.

But I agree with everyone else, this should be obvious, visible, and feature should allow you to dictate your working and non-working days of the week.


Come on guys come ooooon this is really holding back the timeline feature! I really love the timeline for other reasons but this is literally a show stopper!

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Probably not a huge surprise here, but Iā€™d love to have this functionality as well.

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