Private Project controls not visible

In this [help article](How to balance transparency & privacy in Asana | Product guide • Asana Product Guide make a project private) it seems to suggest that if a project is setup to be private to me it should say so in the top right hand corner of the project.

In my Asana I can’t see the ‘+’ button mentioned which would allow me to access the control to set the project to private. I am the only member of the project but it does not say “Private to Me” as is suggested in other help articles on private projects. Where the ‘+’ sign should be I have a ‘Share’ button.

So how do I set my project to be private?

Hi @David_Louis_Puttick

The project’s privacy status should be underneath your initials/photo, and should read ‘Private to members’ (note the padlock too):


As you can see from the example, I’m the only member, so that project is private to me.

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Yeah - but that doesn’t seem to be what my version is doing.

Here is a project which is private to me and this is what it looks like

Ah, right. It’s because you’re using a free account. If you want to make a project private, you’d need to upgrade to a premium account. I spend most of my time in a premium team at work, so I hadn’t even noticed that this was the case until I just set up a test workspace.

You can make a team or workspace private by limiting membership to request only, but projects within that team/workspace will be public to other members by default, unless you upgrade.

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It is a Premium account! We’re certainly paying for that :slight_smile:

How odd! :thinking:

In my case, I’m a member of a premium team at work, and so every project I set up within that team has all of the extra bells and whistles. However, when I set up a workspace outside of that premium team, it’s an ordinary free account that doesn’t have any extras. The premium subscription is attached to that specific team at work, not me as an individual or even my organisation. I wonder if it’s a similar situation for you.

The only thing I can think to do is contact your customer success person at Asana and ask them to look into it.

Good luck. I hope you manage to get it sorted out.

Many thanks - I’ll contact them