Recurring tasks - over 12 months & over 1 year

Ah okay sure then I recommend upvoting on the existing thread I sent

We have a need to repeat tasks every 3 years. Can we simply get add a years option to the custom repeat area?

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Thanks @Brie_Chapa ! I second this need.

Looks like it is also here to upvote: Recurring tasks - over 12 months & over 1 year - #2 by Frank_Arnold

I take that back - I think the Matt Rose and Frank Arnold threads have been combined. But they were coming up separate in the search.

Going on 5 years after this feature was originally requested with no result or even projected date of launch? Looks like it would benefit a few people/organizationsā€¦ but no? No. K. Iā€™ll check back in another 5. Thanks?


Desperately needed.

Hello all, first and foremost, Iā€™m sorry if this thread is covered elsewhereā€¦ donā€™t hesite to link this to another thread.

I would like to know if itā€™s possible to have reccuring tasks but instead of a year, over multiple years? ie; using one project in Asana as a Software Licensing Renewals and some softwares are due only in 3 years instead of one.

Right now, we seem to have only one option available over reccuring tasks; which is a year.


Welcome to the Asana Community Forum :wave:

Correct currently this isnā€˜t possible yet. There is indeed an existing feedback request thread so I have merged your post.
Donā€˜t forget to leave your vote at the very top.

I want more integers for the number of weeks when doing a custom time frame. Iā€™m trying to set a task to repeat every 14 weeks, but the dropdown only goes up to 12 weeks. If we can do up to a year, then the integers listed for weeks should go up to 52.

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Some of my activities have a recurrence greater than one year (up to 4). It would be a nice benefit to be able to improve this aspect

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Hi @Andrea76 merging this with existing topic

This post from a member seems to suggest that these options might be limited by plans?

Would anyone corroborate this?

@shubhanyu, I donā€™t believe any recurring task options differ by Asana plan.



Thank you. I thought so, too, given that Asana clearly shows options that will be enabled for paid users (with an icon).

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5 years weā€™ve been waiting for this featureā€¦ cā€™mon Asana! Crank out this basic feature!


This is embarrassing. I can do multiyear tasks (for example, inoculations) for multiyear intervals in Google Tasks. I prefer Asana.

My workaround is to use the DESCRIPTION field to tell myself what the interval should be. I suspect others do this, also.

I work on a magazine and I have to schedule out tasks for every issue in 2024 plus one issue in Jan 2025. I have the schedule for the entire year but canā€™t set due dates in Asana for anything after August 2024. This seems counter-intuitive for a project management platform.

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Itā€™s incredible how such a small change does not get done in over 5 years. It is a feature the competition offers right out of the box. You can either open up the control to allow manual input for number of days/weeks/months or add a Year control.

I work in web development and those changes should not be very impacting on the system already in place. That would be the case in most applications with recurring tasks.

Be accountable as to why this feature is yet to be implemented after FIVE years. Your application is solid, but this small detail hinders the productivity of many of your users.
I want a real explanation/valid reason as to why it is not done yet from an engineer.

Stop putting it at the bottom of your work pile and just get it done. There is no analysis required for this feature, just a minor improvement that will be done in a few days if not hours by an engineer.