Removing users - why auto create a project if they have no tasks?

When you remove a user from your Org, Asana automatically creates a project “[User]'s Previously Assigned Tasks”. even if the user whom you removed has no assigned tasks at all.
A project should only be created if they do have assigned tasks.

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Thanks for the great feedback, @Jason_Allen. This has been a super helpful tool for premium org admins, and I love your thoughts about this optimization.

I’ve found the blank project can be helpful to give me the piece of mind that nothing has fallen through the cracks, but I could certainly see how it might be cumbersome. We’ll pass this feedback along to the team for future consideration :thumbsup:

Has anyone ever had an issue where the “Previously Assigned Tasks” project is created and is COMPLETELY BLANK, yet the deleted user’s tasks are left unassigned in various places.

Hey Jason,

while I understand your request is quite old I still wanted to post an update here in case others have the same question.

When removing guests or team members via the admin console you now have the option to create a project for their tasks or not:

Remove Guest #1

Removing Guest Step 2
Remove Guest #2

Removing Member Step 2
Remove Guest #3