Start date and estimated hours

Pieter, alas I cannot provide a specific timeline. I wouldn’t check multiple times a day lol :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. I’d say, periodically check in and pay attention to the Asana blog and you’ll learn the big updates.

Just got multi-day tasks and I was So Excited! :slight_smile:
But then I was immediately crestfallen :frowning:

I don’t seem to be able to FILTER by start date. I hope this is just coming soon, because without the ability to filter, what’s the point of putting all that start date data into the system without being able to filter and see what I’m supposed to be starting today? I’m very very hopeful seeing the field there - and immediately even more disappointed not to be able to use it yet.

Is Filtering by Start Date Coming Soon? (Or am I just blind and didn’t see it?)
Thanks as always for an amazing product… this was the one piece that was missing for me.


I have to think that they’ll be adding that capability in as they go, and this is just the first step.

to clarify, do you mean options for searching or sorting when you say ‘filter’

Yes, I mean the ability to create a list that shows items that should be started on or before a today. For me, I would really like a list of items I should be working on today/this week but not have to mark them all overdue in order to see them in a list.


I’d love to see fields for estimated time, actual time spent and some reporting on the difference between them when the task / project is closed. This would help with time-tracking as well as ensuring you are always on a track to improvement.

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Most of those things are taken care of with custom fields, which would then tie in (imo) to more robust reporting from like the dashboard, etc. (right now people have api plugins and stuff to do it).

I’m a member of three different organisations, but I’m only an admin on our own workspace.

I am sure that the other organisations have premium accounts, but I don’t see task start dates on any of the tasks in those workspaces?

Does this have something to do with their account types?

Hi Paul

That feature’s still being rolled out, so it might just be that those organisations haven’t yet received the update. We’re Premium and it still hasn’t arrived for us, but I’ve been told it should happen within the next few weeks.

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Yes yes, we’ve built the system to take our CRM right through to closing the project out. Scheduling our crews is tricky as were not able to asign the task to them as they’ll see the wrong start date… So we don’t add them until the day the project starts, and it would be much nicer to have them in the loop and manage this themselves…

@danielguajardok is the estimated hours also possible for subtasks? In a board style project, I don’t seem to be able to add a custom field to the subtask – only to the main tasks. Thanks!

Actually subtasks does not inherit the custom field from it’s parent task,
so I’m afraid it’s not possible :frowning:

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yeah I would love to have that as an option. We are setting the board view main tasks as pretty high level, so it would be nice to have hour estimates next to the subtasks. Maybe add that to your long list of customer feature requests :wink:

Hi all,

We can see the starting date in “Projects” view such as below :

Why can’t we see the same in “My Favorites” view ? We can only see the end date.

You spoke and Asana listened…we have officially rolled out Start Dates! Take a look at the announcement on the blog here.

In the spirit of closing the loop I’m going to close this feedback thread. If you’d like to discuss the new feature, please let us know what you think here in the Community announcement!


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