Tasks in Board appearing by due date

With a board view, can you set tasks in a particular column to appear in order of due date?
I have a design board and people add tasks to a column called all requests. Each task has a due date but i would like the tickets to show in due date order.
Any ideas? Thanks

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Credit to @Kaitie for her reply :slight_smile:

Great question, and I’ve moved this to a new thread. There is no way to automatically sort the cards in a column on boards, but you can easily drag and drop the cards to the order you want them to appear by clicking and dragging them up and down.

HI @Kirstie_Gascoyne :wave:t3: Just to let you know that we just implemented a new Sorting option for Board projects, so you can now sort them by Due date! More info in this post :slight_smile: