Working offline

I am new to Asana.

How can I use it offline on my computer (IOS/Mac - desktop) ? Do I need to download any app? (I know how to make it work on my iphone but the app is not made for my desktop.)



Hi @Bernardo; Michael from Asnaa here.

Since Asana is a cloud based software, you are required to connect to the internet in order to access your Projects & Tasks. Therefore, as of now, there is no way to do so without using our mobile app(since the application will save the work you have made, and sync with the system once you have reconnected to the internet).

That said, this would, however, be a great customer insight for when we are able to develop a desktop app for Asana. Since we do not have this set on our roadmap just yet, I am going to move this post to our Product Feedback category so that our developers get a look at this customer insight :slight_smile:

Hope this finds you well Bernardo!


Thanks. This would be great!


As a frequent traveler it is very stifling to not have a desktop app. It will be great to have this feature and I have to revert to tools like Quip to manage my to do list as they do an excellent job of handling offline mode


Would also love a desktop app for offline work, especially one for PC. For inspiration see Github’s awesome new app built with Electron (btw, I do not work for Github, just a frequent user that desperately needed a well designed app to get my colleagues on board.)


+1 for offline desktop access as most frequently on the commute.


To be honest this is crucial for me. Until off-line work is not addressed in Assana I have to go back to Evernote


Working offline also would be crucial for me. I tryed many organization app, and asana is the one that feats my necessities. I love it! But I work in the interior of Amazonia, where intenet connection is really slow, so it’s really hard for me to use the app, even on my phone! Working offline in Asana would make my life much easier!


I also travel and need asana offline on my windows system.


This would be great. I also travel and will be in Madagascar for a while. The internet connection isn’t very good there so I have to probably move all my tasks to another program or just go back to my Filofax since the electricity is also unreliable.


During flights I can use the time to update my projects. Hope this gets developed soon!


Honestly not sure why this wasn’t rolled out with latest update. People who manage projects, like me, often travel a lot. Would love to use this on planes, trains and automobiles. Honestly not sure what the hold up is.


1+ for offline support. Working in the field where internet access can be limited, having an offline mode would be great. Or, being able to export task lists or projects to a pdf for offline work would be very helpful!


I’d like to type notes / create tasks during meetings directly into Asana

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Would be great to have!

I’m checking out Asana for my nonprofit. Reading through the comments on this thread, am realizing that working offline is not an option with Asana - this is a deal-breaker for us. Will keep looking for another task manager program.


Hi there - Nairobi-based solar firm here. I’m trying to convince our management to adopt Asana more broadly within our organization, but one key reason they are resisting is because lack of a desktop app / online access. We’ve specifically chosen our knowledge management (Evernote) and CRM (Pipeliner) platforms because they incorporate this feature. Help me help you and release an offline desktop app for Asana!


offline access with sync to Cloud when internet resumes*


Agree with all the comments above. Don’t care if it’s a desktop app or functions like google drive offline (i.e. saved in browser) but need it if I’m going to adopt Asana and use it for cross functional projects, roll out to more teams, etc.

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Agree ! to be able to work offline eg during flights is almost crucial