Asana slash commands for slack to add description to task while adding a new task

Hello everyone,
I am using Asana-Slack integration(slash Commands) to create the task in Asana from Slack Channel.
I am aware of the commands which are returned in response to /asana help. In this way we can only add new tasks to a project with assignee, but with this option I also want to add a long description to the task being created. Is there any way to do it?

So it will be very helpful for me if some one helps me in this topic.

Thank you.

Hi @Govind_Kulkarni - I recommend that you create task descriptions within Asana directly, as this is currently not offered with the Asana/Slack integration, though you may be able to create something with the Asana API. The full offerings of the Asana / Slack integration are listed here: Slack + Asana • Asana Product Guide