Creating tasks from emails, making a bunch of duplicated everytime someone responds to the email

I’m trying to integrate email inquiries/request from our customers into asana tasks, but every time somebody responds to the email chain, it creates many tasks in the project with the same name.
I would like to know if there is a way to maybe merge tasks with the same name, or delete the old one and keep the new one, or maybe add email chain responses as comments to the asana task?
Has anyone tackled this before? Any tips into how i could achieve this?

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Hi @alex13! I’m not sure of the answer to this, but I’ve reached out to my colleagues in hopes of finding a solution. I’ll have an update for you asap.

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I am trying to stay in the habit of BCCing the Asana email-to-task address to avoid this exact scenario. I think what trips it up is that when someone replies to your original message and they are also an Asana user with access to the same project. It’ll create a new task because Asana sees a different subject line with “Re:” at the beginning of the message.

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That BCC idea is awesome! I never thought of doing it that way. :+1:

Hello! There’s now way to do this at present. Another idea would be to send an email to Asana to create a task, and you can respond to email notifications from Asana to comment on an existing task, but if people keep responding to emails and including the Asana address in the reply list it will create more and more tasks in the project. You can merge duplicate tasks in Asana, but this would have to happen manually. I hope this is helpful!

We are using a free third party tool called Dossier to send emails into ASANA. It will detect if the reply to an email belongs to an existing task (created by Dossier) and then add the reply as a comment. You can also reply to the email right within the ASANA task by adding a note prefaced with #reply. It has really worked for us.

I am sorry, but this is a big fat fail for Asana. This should have been better thought through with subject matching, which almost every junior task tracking system already does. This hurts adoption. When will this be fixed?

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