Print Subtask Notes & Comments along with Task

It doesn’t happen a lot but there are certain tasks where it’s just easier to review subtasks and comments in printed format.

Currently, task comments and subtasks will print together but subtasks’ notes and comments do not. It would be great to have the ability to print them together rather than individually. Thank you!


To add up: if you could print it, you also could make a pdf of it and that way you could get complete reports in no time. An awesome idea. It would be really helpful to have this feature, what a timesaver!


Also, I’ve noticed that when you try to print a Kanban style ‘Board’, you are unable to see the card description :sob:

You can see the task description when you print a ‘List’ :grin: but not when you print a board :scream:

Unfortunately there is a lack of consistency between boards and lists for printing, filtering, sorting and displaying custom fields and we cannot wait until both boards and lists are consistent in all aspects, features and functionality :wink:

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I have a related question. I am trying to print the project with tasks and subtasks. They all show up fine. However, when I complete a subtask, rather than disappearing from the print view, it is still visible, but the box is checked and the task is crossed out. Is there an option to print only the incomplete subtasks?


This is a great question. Would love to know the answer as well! Maybe @Alexis can assist.

I noticed when I print projects it does not include comments within tasks. You have to print the task individually to get the comments to print too. I think that is a mistake. Please change that.

@Maryna_Higgins how are you able to print tasks and subtasks? Can you please advise?

We often save the “printed” task as a PDF to keep records of our workflows in other places. It would be helpful if printed tasks contained/showed:

  • Timestamp that task/subtasks were completed
  • The name of the person who completed the task - not just who it was assigned to
  • Subtask comments