Removing Old Members from Drop-down List

Originally replied to an existing thread, but wanted to expose it as a new post, in case someone else might be able to shed light on the subject:

Hi Marie. Same exact problem as Susanne_Goldstein here.

Background: I had a few outside-org email addresses invited into my projects whom are all now removed. Unfortunately I did not “deprovison” them initially, hence not able to pull them back up in my team members screen.

Tested: I followed your above instructions by creating a new “test team” and invited back my personal Gmail address as a team member, which at one point was a team member. Once the team was created, I was able to Remove, Remove Access, then Deprovision this account, successfully removing it from the auto-drop-down list. However, as Susanne_Goldstein confirmed, an invitation email went out to my personal email during the process.

Question: What should I do if I don’t want invitations to go out to everyone who has at one point belonged in my projects, but now I’m having to invite them back only to revoke their access again? Any other way to accomplish “deprovisioning” without inviting people back?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: How do I completely remove a team member?