Sections Not Yet Available?

Hi folks,

Asana API has been working great. However, when we attempt to retrieve the sections, we are receiving a message that the API call is not yet available. Are we possibly using a bad endpoint, or is this still in the works?



Hey @Maggie_Reddi,

Sorry to hear you’re having issues. Can you please provide the exact call you are making and the response you’re getting from the API? That will make it possible for us to try and reproduce the issue.

Sections are working when I try it. You can reference the sections docs here.


While I am not the programmer of I am the owner and we retrieve Sections through the API refined to Team and Project so I know it is available.

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Sorry, the issue was a little further downstream than I originally mentioned. We are able to retrieve the sections okay, but are not able to retrieve the tasks within that section. See below for the response we are getting:

{“errors”:[{“message”:“Getting tasks for sections in list view projects is not yet supported”,“help”:“For more information on API status codes and how to handle them, read the docs on errors: Build an app with Asana”}]}

We attempted this call based on the documentation here: Build an app with Asana. The endpoint we are hitting is /sections/section-id/tasks.

Let me know what you are able to find. Thanks in advance!


As of now, you can only get tasks in a section in the API on board projects. We hope to implement this query in the future for list projects as well.

Sorry if this caused any frustration or confusion. While this caveat is mentioned below the
GET /sections/section-id/tasks example, it could probably be made more clear in the documentation.

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I should have responded to this, we realized this shortly after posting my reply and switching the board type (it said it right in the error message). Sorry for eating up your time, however, is there any update we can sign up for to be notified once the sections are supported across all projects?

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Hey Maggie, the feature isn’t in the immediate roadmap, but I will let you know when I have a better estimate of when it would be supported.