Show number of underlying tasks in Board columns


We use Asana boards for workflow to faster move task focus and completion along - New in, Back log, In progress, Review / Feedback, Done. A very small, but helpful thing would be to see (next to the column’s name, for example) how many underlying, uncompleted tasks there are in a column row. It’s an easy way to see the workload in every step of the workflow (e.g. Back log - 71 tasks, In progress - 7 tasks). It would not only enable all team members to better gauge the workload in each workflow status, but also enable them to see directly if WIP (Work In Progress) limits are met / being respected.


I too would find a task count feature for each column useful.


Yeah I’d really like to do this. Currently I’ve had to use the API and serverless functions to query the api and count based on board column. Also using a serverless function to insert better “task ids” but thats another issue. Please add board column task counts :slight_smile:


Would love this!

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We use Asana very heavily and would benefit from this too. The two missing features to make Asana easier to use in Product management flows would be the # of tickets in a specific kanban column, and the ability to have lanes in a kanban board

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Hi everybody!

I’m delighted to announce that we’ve implemented this feature as part of Introducing our new Spreadsheet-Inspired List View! .

Note the indicator for subtasks is available both in List and Board View :slight_smile:
Thank you so much for your patience and advocacy!

Have all a great week!

@Natalia Where do I see a count of tasks in a section on the list view? And further more, this feature request relates to seeing in the for columns in the board view!?

Hi @Henrik :wave:t5:

Are you referring to the option to see numbered rows on the tasks within a Project? If so, you simply need to follow these steps:

Click your profile photo in the top bar and select My Profile Settings
Navigate to the Display tab
Check the Show task row numbers box from the Advanced Options

You can read more in the following guide article: How to Control Your Profile Settings in Asana | Product guide • Asana Product Guide

I hope this helps @Henrik!

I’ve activated that option in my profile settings but can’t see the amount of tasks in the board at the top of each row. Or where is this number supposed to be?

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Hi @ignorama and thank you for reaching out!

Apologies for the confusion here. As it stands, this option is not available in Board view. I would recommend you to cast your vote on this thread if you would like to see this functionality in Asana.

Have a nice Friday!


This is a critical feature for kanban processes. I have hundreds of tasks moving through kanban processes and I need to very quickly look at the board view and see how many items are in each column so that I can identify bottlenecks in the process. Every time I look at the board I am re-astonished to find that simple counts are not shown at the top of each column.

Additionally my team requests the ability to see descriptions written under the title of each column so they can quickly understand what needs to happen in that step of the process.


Kanban board counter is a huge must have. It’s shocking that it isn’t there.


I am new to Asana, so I am sorry if this is a simple answer.

Is there a way to show current task count on top of the Cards, or “sticky notes”, on our Project Board? Preferably a count of total tasks and subtasks.

Not at the moment, @Ty_Cox, but it would be a great new feature.

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Hi all. :sunny:

We recently started tracking new leads coming in from various lead capture in Asana and have created multiple sections to track the progress of lead from new to Sales.

One thing that bothers me from a managerial perspective (i like numbers) is that I do not have at a glace how many tasks (leads) are in each section. I’d like to do an easy compare, maybe write down numbers daily and monitor progress. I know there is a total count in Progress, but in this instance it does not help me much.

it seems to me it would be easy to add the task count per section after the name or at the top of the Board. So I’m thinking it must be there, I just need to turn it on. if not, I will move this to a feature request post.

Looking forward to read what the rest of the community thinks. lots of reporting ideas stemming from this in my head. :thought_balloon:


@Jonathan_Stern, does the display option to “show task row numbers” do the trick for you? Enable this from within: My Profile Settings > Display > Advanced Options


Hi @LEGGO, this could work if the count was inverted allowing me to just read the first line :smile:

One of the Sections has 60 tasks in it, so there is scrolling involved. I have 8 different sections, I think it would be great to have an overall view where I could collapse all sections and see where I stood (in terms of numbers)
Furthermore in board view, there is no row count so it does not help there.

See below sample of what I had in mind. and the count would match your view setting (incomplete/complete/all)



Hi @Jonathan_Stern and @LEGGO :wave:t3:

Unfortunately, this is not possible at the moment, but you haven’t yet, I’d recommend upvoting Show number of underlying tasks in Board columns!

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Thanks @Marie, I did try and look for one that particular thread! :slight_smile:

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I made a mockup for this, hoping to revive this project and give it the boost it deserves. Seems like a simple enough project to achieve.

Edit: I noticed today that this count is available for sub tasks but not for sections.
