Simple ASP/HTML Whiteboard page integration

We have a asp based tech center that we host, that is customizable, and I would like to find out about how to integrate Asana into the whiteboard page once a user logs in. Ideally it would be great if their local creds would also log them into Asana, however at this point I would even be okay with just import asana into the page so that on the whiteboard page it has a login and once logged in it will display their tasks an effectively use Asana from our whiteboard page (similar to display external content in a table cell).

Is there an easy way to import the content into an existing webpage or backend website (I know there are already numerous integration tools available).

I think you might need to talk to @Bastien_Siebman. He has this product that might provide integration.

Indeed that is what three-dots is made for. If you need a custom dashboard, contact me directly :wink:

Not necessarily all that - though his product seems neat, I am just wanting the ability to display a users tasks interface in part of the browser (embed asana into the whiteboard). Maybe it’s just easier to use browser plugins.

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