Siri: assign tasks to multiple teammates + Ability to create tasks in multliple spaces

Siri Asana integration has been working for me in my CarPlay enabled car which is a game changer for me! It is limited however, as it would be incredible if I could add this functionality:

  1. Ability to assign tasks to different members of my team
  2. Ability to create tasks in both of my workplaces rather than the last one used.
    Any plans to beef up the capabilities?

Hi @Rob_Santo_Domingo :wave:t3: As your feedback was a feature request rather than a question, I’ve gone ahead and moved it to a brand new thread; hope that’s ok!

I don’t believe we’re planning to implement these updates in the near future, but thanks for sharing your feedback with us, we will definitely take them onboard when revisiting the Siri integration! :slight_smile:

Oh thank you!

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Any change of heart? We would love to see further Siri integration with Asana.

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