Turn Off Email Notifications from Phone App OR as a Default Organisation/Workspace Setting

You can’t turn off Email notifications from the Android or iOS app. The Asana Inbox is perfect and having additional emails coming through “spamifies” Asana and undermines its value.

Most of our team only use Asana on their phone so it’s essential to be able to turn off email notifications either on the App or have it off as default.

I am looking for this feature too. Our entire sales force needs to be able to turn off email notifications as they will access Asana 100% though an iPad or phone. Right now they have to come into the office or log in via a desktop at home to turn them off. It’s an extra step that should not be needed!

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Yes. Emails for everything you do in asana is extremely annoying. Please add the functionality to the android app to stop receiving them asap. Thanks.

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